Wind Run Report (miles)

Report for Year 2024

Note: Data is updated after midnight each day.

Other Years:

 Daily DetailMonthly SummarySeasonal Summary 
186 86 65 77 58 ---------------------
255 72 84 77 60 ---------------------
365 65 72 58 41 ---------------------
446 115 72 74 50 ---------------------
582 24 70 94 79 ---------------------
686 34 34 79 70 ---------------------
791 77 65 72 60 ---------------------
872 65 82 72 67 ---------------------
970 62 70 106 67 ---------------------
1072 70 67 67 48 ---------------------
1179 91 77 46 58 ---------------------
1282 72 55 62 55 ---------------------
1367 62 62 65 58 ---------------------
1467 67 185 70 50 ---------------------
1560 67 74 65 ------------------------
1650 53 72 60 ------------------------
1731 53 72 55 ------------------------
1860 31 62 60 ------------------------
1950 41 77 43 ------------------------
2060 38 41 36 ------------------------
2136 41 46 36 ------------------------
2255 60 58 46 ------------------------
2334 79 115 55 ------------------------
2443 48 110 79 ------------------------
2531 46 72 53 ------------------------
2696 31 65 82 ------------------------
27190 43 74 62 ------------------------
28106 62 65 60 ------------------------
2965 55 70 60 ------------------------
3062  86 62 ------------------------
3155  91  --- ------ --- ---
Color Key
< 30 30 - 60 60 - 90 90 - 120 120 - 150 150 - 180 180 - 210 210 - 240 240 - 270 270 - 300 300 - 330 330 - 360360>

Wind run is a measurement of how much wind has passed a given point in a period of time. A wind blowing at five miles per hour for an entire day (24 hours) would give a wind run of 120 miles for the day.

Script Developed by Murry Conarroe of Wildwood Weather.